AK47 Bayonets Site Map

AK Bayonet Types


Russian AK47 Bayonets

  • Russian AK47 Type
  • Russian AKM Type I
  • Russian AKM Type I (Export)
  • Russian AKM Transitional
  • Russian AKM Type II
  • Russian AKM Type II (Export)
  • Russian AKM Type II Modified Pommel
  • Russian AK74
  • Russian Survival Knife
  • Model HB-1-01
  • Model HB-5 exp
  • Spetsnaz Machete
  • NRS-2 Scout Knife

Bulgarian AK47 Bayonets

  • Bulgarian AK47 Type
  • Bulgarian AK47 Type (Two Band)
  • Bulgarian AKM Type II
  • Bulgarian AK74

Chinese AK47 Bayonets

  • Chinese AK47 Spikes
  • Chinese Chisel Tip Spike Bayonet
  • Chinese Pointed Spike Bayonet
  • Chinese Quick Release Spike Bayonet
  • Chinese Commercial Spike Bayo
  • Chinese Clamp-On Spike Bayonet
  • Chinese AK47 Type
  • Chinese AKM Type II
  • Chinese AKM Type II (Brass Pin)
  • Chinese AKM Type II (Green)
  • Chinese Type 81

African R4 Bayonet

Czechoslovakian vz 58

Egyptian AKM Type II Bayonets

German AK47 Bayonets

  • German AK47 Type
  • German AKM Type I
  • German AKM Transitional
  • German AKM Type II
  • German G-36
  • German KM87
  • Suhl Combat Knife
  • Bayo Training AK
  • German Bayo Parts
  • German Gravity Knife

Korean AK47 Bayonets

  • Hungary AKM Type I Bayo
  • Hungarian AKM Type I (Israeli Mark)

Korean AK47 Bayonets

  • Korean AK47 Type
  • Korean AKM
  • Cuban AK47 Bayonets

Indian INSAS Bayonet

Indonesian AK47

Iraqi AK47 Bayonets

Lithuanian AKM Bayonets

Polish AK47 Bayonets

  • Polish AK47 Type
  • Polish AKM Type I
  • Polish AKM Type II
  • Polish AKM Type II Presentation Bayos
  • Polish Training Bayo

Romanian AK47 Bayonets

  • Romania AKM Type I
  • Burned AKM Type I (Published)
  • Romania AKM Type II

Vietnam AKM Bayonets

Yugoslovian AK Bayonets

Copies / Ripoffs

Kalashnikov Knives

  • Boker Kalashnikov Knives
  • Mini AK47 Bayonets
  • Mini AK47 Spike Bayonet
  • Mini Chinese AK47 Bayonet
  • Mini AKM Type II (AKWS)
  • Mini AKM Type II German
  • AKM Type II (21st Century)
  • M9 Bayonet
  • Marto-Brewer Explorer
  • Clone: Marto-Brewer Explorer


  • Collectors Clubs / Websites
  • AK Bayonets of the World
  • Kalashnikov Bayo Collectors
  • AK Bayonet Forum
  • AK47 Bayonet Book
  • Bagnety do Kalasznikowa
  • Bagnety Kalasznikowa
  • Soldier of Fortune; 1987

Welcome to AK47 Bayonet Collecting

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