Polish Kalashnikov Bayonets

Polish Kalashnikov Bayonets

1957 – AK47 Type (56-H-212) Adopted in Poland
1959 – AKM Type I (6H3) Bayonet adopted in Poland
1970 – AK47 Type (56-H-212) Poland (Limited Production)
1972 – AKM Type II (6H4) Bayonet adopted in Poland
1985 – AKM Type II (6H4) Training Bayonet adopted in Poland

various types of Polish AK Bayonet

We look at the various types of Polish AK Bayonet

Different Polish AK47 Type bayonet scabbard finishes; (l to r) Parkerized ?, Painted, Blued, Blued and another Painted

Different Polish AK47 Type bayonet scabbard finishes; (l to r) Parkerized ?, Painted, Blued, Blued and another Painted

Polish AK47 Bayonets
Chapter Two, cont.

The unique scabbard most easily identifies the Polish AK47 bayonet shown in Figure 16. The scabbard has none of the flat stamps and welds near the point like the other AK47 bayonet scabbards shown thus far. There are no hanger attachment bands as seen on the previous scabbards. Instead, there is a small flat piece of metal welded to the back of the scabbard, which holds two very narrow (10 mm wide) thin wire loops in place.

All pieces of the hanger are leather. The belt loop is folded over and held by four rivets. There are two slots in the portion of the belt loop that lies next to the scabbard which two wire loops attached to the back of the scabbard pass through. A narrow tongue is cut between the rivets on the portion of the leather loop on the outside, and this is passed through the wire loops to hold everything in place. The keeper strap is leather and held in place to the belt loop by two rivets. A brass thorn located on the right tab and a slot in the left tab close the keeper. The scabbard appears to be painted black.

Figure 16. Polish AK47 Bayonet, Front and Back

From Page 16 Kalashnikov Bayonets
© 2002 by Martin Ivie
Reprinted with permission of the author

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