The bayonet used in this review was attached to each rifle with only a standard screw driver, in a matter of minutes. No modifications needed no marks, scratches or harm done to the rifles. However if you jammed the bayonet into stuff I’m sure it would mar and scratch the barrel somewhat. There is a small hole in the bayonet clamp that is designed to align with the rear pin of the front sight post. You’d remove the original pin, put the clamp in place and insert a new longer pin that would keep the upper part of the clamp on the rifle and in place. Once the lower clamp is attached with the bayonet it would be an very strong connection.

The Chinese underfolding spike bayonet fits well on the Maadi. A purist would never think of such a thing, but for those of you who might not care that there are a half dozen country’s parts on your AK, is bayo might just be for you.

The crate the Chinese “clamp-On” bayonets were imported in
These were imported new (never issued in cosmoline) Chinese folding spike bayonet by Don Bell at Omega Weapons Systems in Tucson, AZ. I took these photos at OWS (7-2006) . Don ran an honest import and surplus business, he was in business for years with the highest reputation from collectors all over

This is what the “clamp On” bayonets looked like inside the crate, wrapped three to a bundle in cosmoline and paper. There are thirty bundles of three bayonets for a total of 90 bayonets in each crate

Three Clamp On style Chinese spike bayonets covered in cosmoline and wrapped in a paper bundle