AK47 Type – characterized by ears on the pommel, which go around the barrel of the rifle to aid in mounting; a handle with a scale on each side; and a long, straight spear point type blade with fullers on each side
Russian Designated: 56-X-212
German Designated: Modell 47
- 1951 – AK47 Type (56-X-212) Bayonet adopted (Russia)
- 195? – ”Modell 47” Adopted in Germany
- 1955 – AK47 Type Adopted in Bulgaria
- 1957 – AK47 Type (56-H-212) Adopted in Poland
- 1970 – AK47 Type (56-H-212) Poland (Limited Production)

AK47 Type produced by: Bulgaria China East Germany Indonesia North Korea Poland Russia
AK47 Type produced by:
- Bulgaria
- China
- East Germany
- Indonesia
- North Korea
- Poland
- Russia
- AK47 Spike Bayonet
- AK47 Type
- AKM Type I
- AKM Transitional Bayos
- AKM Type II (Early AK74)
- AK74 Type
- Unique AK47 Bayonets
- Kalashnikov Adjacent
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